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Destiny Discover & Databases

Destiny Discover (outline of an open book with a magnifying glass and the Destiny logo)

Middle School Databases and Media Links

Database passwords Logo(open lock with a star password below)
CultureGrams Logo (outline of a globe)
Nat Geo Kids (Logo with a reptile tail on a red square background)
Points of View Reference Center


Learner Login (outline of a teacher and chalkboard teaching to four students)
EBSCO Explora (hot air balloon logo)
Newsela Logo
ProQuest eLibrary (outline of a Lighthouse)


BrainPOP Logo (robot head with a teal background)
EBSCO Explora Secondary (filled Backpack in front of a chalkboard full of doodles)
Noodle Tools (outline of a person standing on a hill with three swirls going around it)
Tumblebooks (smiling cartoon book doing a cartwheel with a green circle background)


Britannica School (green background, white filled in B, blue person outline, holding a star)
Gale Online Databases Logo
North Dakota Studies (ND state capital in front of the North Dakota State Flag in the shape of North Dakota)
Voicethread Logo (white v t in a black circle)


Canva for Education Logo
Gale in Context Middle School Logo
North Dakota State Library ODIN (colorful open book)
WeVideo Logo


Capstone eBooks (computer mouse clicking on a book)
Learning Ally logo
Password Manager - laptop with a hidden password and shield on the  computer screen
Blank Placeholder (transparent square)


Creative Commons (black circle outline with black cc in the middle)
MyBib (3 books on a bookshelf)
PebbleGO Next Logo (Albert Einstein, Crazy Horse, and DNA)
Blank Placeholder (transparent square)